BEP20 Token

Contract Created on BSC


Listed WFO on PancakeSwap DEX

Liquidity Added CAKE/WFO 1/2,000,000

Listed on JulSwap DEX

Liquidity Added JulD/WFO 500/4,800,000

Token Information

Token is generated on Binance Smart Chain.
Our aim is to spread awareness about 8 Dimensions of Wellness Wheel with the help of DeFi Space.
Token Name = IESEFOSP
Token type = BEP20
Symbol = WFO
Decimals = 18
Total Supply = 100000000000000
Total Supply = 100 Trillion

From Coinmarketcap

With Dated on 14/06/2021
Liquidity Provider Fee of PancakeSwap DEX:
(0.0025 CAKE)
For each trade a 0.25% fee is paid
- 0.17% to LP token holders
- 0.03% to the Treasury
- 0.05% towards CAKE buyback and burn
Liquidity Provider Fee of JulSwap DEX:
(0.003 JulD)
A portion of each trade (0.30%) goes to liquidity providers as a protocol incentive.

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About WFO Token

Flowers in Chania

IESEFOSP (WFO) BEP20 Token is generated on Binance Smart Chain.

WFO means Worldwide Flying Objects.
WFO means World Family Order.
Let's WFO - Work for Others.
WFO is inspired by Universal Human Values.
Let's save Humanity.
iesefosp token is BEP20 Token.
#iesefosp is an inspiration.
This symbol is inspired by Wellness Wheel.
Wellness Wheel has the Following 8 Dimensions:
Meaning of iesefosp :
Flowers in Chania
1. Intellectual - a person possessing a highly developed intellect.
2. Emotional – (of a person) having feelings that are easily excited and openly displayed.
3. Spiritual – relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
4. Environmental - relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition.
5. Financial - the finances or financial situation of an organization or individual.
6. Occupational - relating to a job or profession or career satisfaction.
7. Social - relating to society.
8. Physical - relating to the body and person's bodily fitness.
Each dimension is interconnected.
Each dimension is equally vital in the pursuit of optimum healthy and prosporus life.
One can reach an optimal level by understanding how to maintain and optimize each of the dimensions.
Token is available for trading on PancakeSwap DEX with Cake/WFO Pair.
Token is available for trading on JulSwap DEX with JULD/WFO Pair.
PancakeSwap and JulSwap are the leading DEX on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
DEX means:
A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace that connects cryptocurrency buyers and sellers.
Smart Contract Address :

WFO Token helps to understand DeFi Space.
Decentralized Finance is a blockchain-based form of finance that does not rely on Central Financial intermediaries. It utilizes smart contracts on blockchains. Investor is called as Liquidity Provider who gets LP Tokens as a proof of providing liquidity. Investor gets rewards for providing liquidity too.
Liquidity Provider can withdraw his/her funds at any point of time.
Privacy and Transparency both we get at one place in Blockchain Technology.
Let's be part of Blockchain Technology and explore huge opportunities with Calculated RISK.

JulSwap is the Best Decentralized Exchange which helps to Investor/Trader to Buy/Sell WFO token and provide Liquidity.

Please support IESEFOSP (WFO)
BEP20 Token

Flowers in Chania
Flowers in Chania

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IESEFOSP WFO is on Mumbai Polygon Matic Network
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