IESEFOSP WFO Sticker is available in Telegram now

Please search Stickers bot in Telegram and start it. and follow the following steps to create your own sticker in Telegram:

Stickers, [13.05.21 03:46]

Hello, I'm the Sticker Bot! I can create sticker packs from pictures and give you some usage stats for your stickers. Use these commands to control me:

Stickers & Masks

/newpack - create a new sticker pack

/newmasks - create a new pack of masks

/newanimated - create a pack of animated stickers

/addsticker - add a sticker to an existing pack

/editsticker - change emoji or coordinates

/ordersticker - reorder stickers in a pack

/setpackicon - set a sticker pack icon

/delsticker - remove a sticker from an existing pack

/delpack - delete a pack


/stats - get stats for a sticker

/top - get top stickers

/packstats - get stats for a sticker pack

/packtop - get sticker packs top

/topbypack - get top stickers in a pack

/packusagetop - get usage stats for your packs

/cancel - cancel the current operation

SD Bhosale 🇮🇳 नमस्ते 🙏, [13.05.21 03:46]


Stickers, [13.05.21 03:46]

Yay! A new stickers pack. How are we going to call it? Please choose a name for your pack.

SD Bhosale 🇮🇳 नमस्ते 🙏, [13.05.21 03:46]


Stickers, [13.05.21 03:46]

Alright! Now send me the sticker. The image file should be in PNG or WEBP format with a transparent layer and must fit into a 512x512 square (one of the sides must be 512px and the other 512px or less).

The sticker should use white stroke and shadow, exactly like in this .PSD example: StickerExample.psd (

I recommend using Telegram for Web/Desktop when uploading stickers.

SD Bhosale 🇮🇳 नमस्ते 🙏, [13.05.21 03:48]

[ File : WFO Telegram Sticker.png ]

Stickers, [13.05.21 03:48]

Thanks! Now send me an emoji that corresponds to your first sticker.

You can list several emoji in one message, but I recommend using no more than two per sticker.

SD Bhosale 🇮🇳 नमस्ते 🙏, [13.05.21 03:57]


Stickers, [13.05.21 03:57]

Congratulations. Stickers in the pack: 1. To add another sticker, send me the next sticker as a .PNG or .WEBP file.

When you're done, simply send the /publish command.

SD Bhosale 🇮🇳 नमस्ते 🙏, [13.05.21 03:58]


Stickers, [13.05.21 03:58]

You can set an icon for your sticker pack. Telegram apps will display it in the list of stickers in the sticker panel.

To set an icon, send me a square 100x100 image in PNG or WEBP format with a transparent layer.

You can /skip this step. If you do, apps will use the first sticker of your pack as its icon.

SD Bhosale 🇮🇳 नमस्ते 🙏, [13.05.21 04:00]


Stickers, [13.05.21 04:00]

Please provide a short name for your stickerpack. I'll use it to create a link that you can share with friends and followers.

For example, this set has the short name 'Animals':

SD Bhosale 🇮🇳 नमस्ते 🙏, [13.05.21 04:01]


Stickers, [13.05.21 04:01]

Kaboom! I've just published your sticker pack. Here's your link:

You can share it with other Telegram users — they'll be able to add your stickers to their sticker panel by following the link. Just make sure they're using an up to date version of the app.

Thank you.


WFO Team