Way to go to Decentralzied Exchange:
Wazirx/Binance -> Trust Wallet/Metamask Wallet -> JulSwap/PancakeSwap
Step 1:
Please buy Min. 0.1 BNB from Binance.
Step 2:
You can send BNB to Trust/Metamask Wallet.
Step 3:
Please open PancakeSwap/JulSwap from Dapps (Decentralized Apps)
Step 4:
Please swap 0.05 BNB with Cake/JulD
Step 5:
Please swap Cake/JulD with WFO
To get purchased tokens in your wallet please add it manually.
Smart Contract of WFO Token:
Smart Contract of JULD Token:
Smart Contract of CAKE Token:
Thus, you can buy WFO Tokens.
Let's move from Centralizd to Decentralized System.
Let's learn Blockchain Technolgoy.
Happy to share JavaScript and HTML code for copying smart contract addresses!!
function myFunctionwfo() {
var copyText = document.getElementById("myInputwfo");
copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999)
alert("Copied the Smart Contract Address of WFO: " + copyText.value);
function myFunctionjuld() {
var copyText = document.getElementById("myInputjuld");
copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999)
alert("Copied the Smart Contract Address of JULD: " + copyText.value);
function myFunctioncake() {
var copyText = document.getElementById("myInputcake");
copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999)
alert("Copied the Smart Contract Address of CAKE: " + copyText.value);
<hr />
Smart Contract of WFO Token:<br />
<input id="myInputwfo" type="text" value="0x1eEDDe0872eC92BC8E1596B7081fde05c38fD921" />
<button onclick="myFunctionwfo()">Copy Smart Contract Address of WFO</button><br />
<hr />
Smart Contract of JULD Token:<br />
<input id="myInputjuld" type="text" value="0x5a41f637c3f7553dba6ddc2d3ca92641096577ea" />
<button onclick="myFunctionjuld()">Copy Smart Contract Address of JULD</button><br />
<hr />
Smart Contract of CAKE Token:<br />
<input id="myInputcake" type="text" value="0x5a41f637c3f7553dba6ddc2d3ca92641096577ea" />
<button onclick="myFunctioncake()">Copy Smart Contract Address of CAKE</button><br />
<hr />